Working on Church Boundary wall at our little church in Kupang
As you access to view the information and the work here in West-Timor, I would like to encourage all of you who have the heart for missions work, take the personal challenge to support this church planting project all though Church Building is not on assignment but as you see it is the preparation part of the ground work.
We need your financial support on this type of project,this work should be done say last year. but because of lack of financial support it take us one and half years to raise money to complete the incomplete work, praise God for his work let him be glorified Amen.
If you have conviction to support either whatever’s ways we will be please to hear from you.
Your Sincerely

We have just started today setting up things. we need to be hurry because of the rain is gonna come any time from this month, there for we must actively work to completed this project before the rain come.
- twenty bags of Cement we just order and now the worker off load it from the truck.
Cement we need about 70 bags to completed entire boundary wall. put all the cement in the store room behind the church building.

We have provided six hundred pieces of brick, we need 1.500 more to completed the other side of the church boundary. It has about 26 miters long so it will need more brick.

All the Concrete wire and now is lay on the main foundation, we have to dug the main foundation to put those frame inside and then cover up with concrete.

After the prepare everything now the workers has poured the Cement concrete in the box seems grate, in the couple of days we will work on the brick, hope to finish by next week.
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