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Ministry Report this week.

DCIM100MEDIAPraise God our Sunday morning Church service is increasing in Number every time when we conduct church service  on Sunday, lots of visitors are visiting us, we also experience the Holy Spirit out pouring  in the church, new believers are experiencing the touch of the Holy Spirit in their heart. almost every church service at Adonai Worship Center there are tremendous power of God in this small room every individual person passionate for God in their personal lives seems hungry for the Lord like it  said in Mathew 5.6 Blessed are those who hungry and thirst for righteous, For they shall be filled. this is what it happen right now in our local church. God is restoring the families  Husband and wife are reconciled young  people who have lost their future  are began to restored their confidence to go back to study at the University and also we have few old people one is 90 years old he is very active attending the church service every Sunday morning, we also have one is 80 years old about three people are 70 years old seems God give them long lives even none of them had fallen with illness but they are very healthy this is a sign  of  God’s care upon them, Every bobby know if  some one open his heart for Holy spirit and allowed the Holy Spirit to take entire lives he or she is protect with long lives, good health, prosperity in study ,business and harmony in the family circle.

The  new people who comes to our local Church are the once who experience the power of God in healing especially when they sick I pray for them and they experiencing the miracles and the Lord spoken to them therefore they attend the church service  praise God even I was surprise to see many miracles in many of my ministry in the city of West-Timor, I personally believes that when the Holy Spirit is leading there will be a great impact especially unusual things are going to happen exactly it  happen now in our ministry in west-Timor.

DCIM100MEDIA Last Sunday we dedicated Sonia Marshia Walengi our second daughter when she is three months old at the Adondai Worship Center one of our senior Pastor Arnold Bowakh is pray dedicated Sonia Marshia to God for her well fare, We trust God for her childhood until she fine her future as she grow older . praise God we are very happy even the Church congregation where stand together during the time of prayer it was so amazing. As are parents we trust God for Sonia that one day she will be well educated and go into Business and support many missionary around the world, we thank  for Sonia as are great assert God has given us, all though we struggle to survive in the mission field with no stronger financial support therefore one day I will be retired for my career as missionary overseas and will come home. but the memories will not be disappear, I might understand my fellow missionary in the field then some one who those not experience the pain in the unknown land therefore I pledge to God for his grace  mercy on this lovely child Sonia Marshia for his interference in her lives until she achieve the greater future. Amen.


DCIM100MEDIA We also witness one of our new comfort family decided to dedicated their Son Julio in our Local Church therefore this two couple they both about to finish their University in one of the Indonesia  National University in Kupang West-Timor, praise God brother Rito and Sister Nita they felt in their heart to dedicate Julio this morning at the Adonai Worship Center Local  Church last week while pastor Arnold Bowakh pray dedicated and pray blessing upon the lives of this Child. they have their on commitment with God for their Son Julio whatever they pledge to God he will protected this Child and his future, I as are pastor with my wife we stand with them and trust God for their Son lives and future, one day this Child will be God fearing and also become one of the great young Man and member of this Local Church serving God. God bless this young family. Amen

DCIM100MEDIA Praise God our small Adonai youths are doing well, the last couple of month we most likely doing activities and invited many youths  to come and attended, we have learn about how to raise more youth in our church this year, Adonai Worship Center this year have the vision to raise more young people in this church therefore this time after the Church service on Sunday the youths have their program in one of the near by beach call Manikin, I loaded some of the youths and one of the elder in the Church loaded the other youths  we all  when to that beach as you can able to see the pictures above, some church congregation join as well to Manikin to witness the small event that was held by the youths.

when we start the church there was no youths at the Church so we have to start from nothing and trusting God for his power to manifested in the youth ministry, every Church need to raise youths because they are the once will become a leaders in his or her own respective areas of lives some will become professional and working  in the Government sector some will be a business man and women self employee  some will become pastor, Evangelist, Apostle , teacher and Prophet and will serve God .

Praise God our small church Adonai Worship Center keen to support the  youths event in a  little ways to the bigger ways to build the youth ministry in this church. God bless Adonai youths open more doors for new souls. Amen.

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SAMSUNG After the ministry feeling tired and my daughter Christy  come to me and said Daddy I like to have dinner in KFC can you drive me to KFC  and I said to her in respond ok boss it was  at around 8.30 night at the mall. after order the food while Christy  her Mummy and  younger sister Sonia a in action while daddy took a short. thank God for this lovely girls that you have give us my wife and I for your glory amen. If you pray for us please to pray for Christy and her Sister Sonia for their health and greater future.


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