Easter Celebration April -21-2014

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Praise God with his grace and mercy we have been so busy in doing ministry spend time with family personal activities,we also thanks God for his mercy through out this couple of months at times we come to encounter accident but some how we where able to come out from such tragedy . by his grace we are able to free from all the trouble and continue to serve God, here in West-Timor. Devil never wanted to see many people received Jesus as lord and savior for their salvation therefore deceiver always come to disturbed in diverse ways.
We are seeing spiritual development in our Church and the church growth was very well, we have families joining us in our church meeting every Sunday Morning and midweek fellowship at the Adonai Worship Center, our small church is getting full since the beginning of this year 2014, many of this people are experiencing miracles in their lives and they felt in their heart to fellowship with us.
Not because of change of denomination, no its not. Our Local church is experience revival and the word come real and effective in the senses of the people. glory be to God He is answering your prayers in our ministry and church activities here in West-Timor Indonesia.
The Easter Church program has gone well, we have a church service on the good Friday at 8.30 Am in the morning Church service also we had the communion service on that morning. On the 19th Saturday I call on every one who will be participate on Jesus March on Monday 21 April its are requirement to every one must pray and fasting during the day on Saturday at the evening we will gathered together at the church at around 5: pm in the evening pray until 8 pm in the night. Praise God every one attend during the time of pray we have about 60 people attend and we all pray for the Jesus March event, praise God Holy Spirit pored in our pray night. we also have some friends from Holland and few other people as well attended the pray meeting it was tremendous time we had on Saturday night. Praise God on Sunday Morning the whole church came together had the powerful praise and worship in our church at the same time our youth preparing for Jesus March the next day few mothers help the youth organize food for next day, it was really fund and every one was very excited for the event tomorrow.
This Truck is preparing and decorated with Music and lights for Tomorrow our youths are very committed in arranging all this musical instruments, they sleep on the road side to take care of this truck in case of anything might missing, We mean business for this event because many people will be on the road side to watch when we walking and celebrating the dead and the resurrection of Christ Jesus and proclaim that his is King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we wanted to make use of this time promoting Jesus in the city.
Monday morning every one came to the church for pray also to get the final instruction before taking the possession No 117 at 10 Am in the morning, we gathered and pray at the Church until 10.30 Am we finish our pray time every one make their way to the location ELTARI 1 that is where we will meet other churches and denomination preparing for March at around 5 Pm we will start until finish at 11 PM night at Jalan Timor Raya. ”Praise God Thousand and Thousands are standing and sitting at the side of the road watching when we passed through with Music with celebration declaring his dead and resurrection of Jesus Christ during our journey we also give away the track and the contact details of our church ministry to many people of the street and request them to visit us that was amazing our desire come through. many
people on the road it was great moment we have time to share the love and mercy of God through celebration, we also able to declare that Jesus is the Son of God over this province and the city of west-Timor and Indonesia. He is the Coming king in front of many religion, tribes and people along the way. Adonai generation getting ready for March in the couple of minutes time .To God be glorified, pray for us in all our ministry here, God is explore his power in our ministry through miracles, signs and wonders in our Church.
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