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Ministry report Month of September

Dear Friends

greetings in Christ Jesus.

Here is our ministry report for this month of September, just to inform you about what God is doing here in this mission field, this month we had some important visitors from Papua New Guinea  visiting us for one week and also we have seen some ministry developments taking place in our ministry circle also some local missions project that we have working on, our Church fellowship and Church ministry development as you may look through bellow.

        Church Renovation 

DCIM100MEDIA  Ben on the right , Marcel center and Oscar left this youths are painting the  Church wall Adonai Worship Center Church they work for are week to shape our local church looking good, since we start the local Church some three years ago up now we never to a major renovation, this university student feeling responsible to serve God in this small ways, Its  lunch time now they are ready to have their lunch in Indonesian call (Makan Siang).

bye the grace of God we have completed the painting and also change the doors of the Church praise God now our small church is looking very  good  and new, we see our local church improved in  praise and Worship new members  joining the Church service  seems our Church is  increasing  for God be the glory. when we experience the spiritual development physical development will accompany  Amen.


Our Weekly Fellowship.

DCIM100MEDIA Praise God we have experiencing the spiritual development in our church ministries, our new strategic on how to reach as many people it work, we are very strong in one on one Evangelism and home fellowship, from the home fellowship we invite many people to come at Wednesday mid week fellowship at the Adonai Worship Center,  So that is how, we build stronger relationship with other people eventually they see how heart we have for them through Christ not only in ministry but physical needs even to the point they are sick or they are rejected in the community we are always there to help them in pray and visitation. some times for once we help them  finances but many time we provide them food, that’s how we see most of our  home fellowship really powerful, also we pray for sick the miracles taking place people see the power of God so they bring their family members also if some other people have problems or sick they bring them to me and my wife to ministering them in order for them to repent in Christ JesusDCIM100MEDIA

out come of our home fellowship now we see people just bring their family and also new souls are attending in our ministry every time we host small ministry in the house of those family which we schedule to have fellowship new people a always coming to Christ Jesus, like you see on your right side this people are making commitment to follow Jesus for the first time. about fifteen people received Christ Jesus in this month like what you are seeing from the right side people raising their hands at that point they surrender their lives to Christ Jesus.we seeing many people repented but our huge work is how we nature them and help them grow from their spiritual new life when we come to this point we need more time and commitment also money involve for the growth of this newly converted Christians.

DCIM100MEDIA Ten O’Clock night I had the knock at my door when my wife open the door and welcome a mother and two of her daughters, Its is Ibu Raheal and her two  daughter Shelly red and Nita white gray strike, Shelly is doing here senior High  School her younger sister Nita is doing her junior high school, This lady Raheal almost every day she sale her greens and  vegetable walking from distant usually she come bye to where I am renting the  House, we give her water and some time we gave her little pit of money so that she would shop food for  dinner, this lady she brought two of her daughter to me and said to me Bapa I allowed two of my daughter to come to your church pray for them to have a heart for God and also their school and school fees so that they could completed their education, when we are discussing and i felt in my heart that lots of people are very unfortunate in personal and family life’s God reminded me once I was planning to start a orphanage  and help this poor kids and father and motherless kids and give them hope of live Especially education is No one  when Raheal told me about the situation she when through to help this two girls for their education. please pray for this, one day by the grace of God we could start the Orphanage ministry that will give lives to the hopeless kids and give them the sense of hope to those hopeless kids other religion use that as are pet to take Christian Children to converts to other religions.

Water Baptism 

Praise God by his mercy and grace one of the fellowship member decided to have her water baptism  this month September, I and pastor Ika conducted a water baptism at one of the swimming pool at the City,Sister Jenny Wongsono was baptizes 23rd of September we had  couple of people witness including her brother and sister in law witness   SAMSUNG SAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNG   Ps Joe Pandu and Noel Norikgu visit. Pastor Joe Pandu and Noel Norikgu from the Assemblies Of God Papua New Guinea came to visit us as well as see the  mission work which we are doing here their visit was very crucial to me and the family for long time none of  the people from Papua New Guinea visit me and see what God is doing in my ministry as are missionary service long time here in West-Timor Indonesia, they arrive here on the 13th of September and return on the 15th of September to Bali and to POM, we held the two night ministry that two night ministry was very powerful our small church was full, I do not wanted to invite others to come because I wanted my pastors to see what God is doing in my ministry when I say lots of Souls are coming to Christ Jesus they can believed on what i told them, I drive them to couple of places where I am working on view projects. SAMSUNG   This our first night ministry at the Adonai Worship Center with Pastor Joe and Noel, we have seen many people coming to Christ Jesus, regardless either Christian or Muslim so long as some body come to Christ Jesus the Heaven rejoice and earth glorified the name of Jesus. I have make mentioned earlier on our strategic for  Evangelism now is more active then our previews tactic on Evangelism, praise God two of my pastor they see them self  and excited about what God is doing here, I explain to them all the needs mainly  on financial needs for us as family we have struggle but pursue on the work there, also I told them that we need the proper Church building so that we could used that building not only for Church service but we can able to start a bible school, and kinder garden School. SAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNGSAMSUNG

Sunday 29th September 

This Sunday we had Bobby and Neisyah Lianto fellowship with us and share the word of God with us, Adonai Worship Center had made a commitment with Bobby and his wife to visit us every two months praise God  Bobby is one of the Local  Business man he love God and serve God  although he is very busy but he also make time for serving God. DCIM100MEDIA He was speaking about living in the  Light he share more on his life Testimony he had lots of failure but he always make DCIM100MEDIAare room for Holy Spirit at times he was weak, He also encouraging the congregation an said, when you are fail and fall into Sin the deceiver Satan always come with contamination that eventually make you feel unworthy, that is the point where many people those not faithful again start loosing there hope feeling unworthy to attend the church service and so on, but there are  assurance the blood of Jesus can cleans all our Sin and purified us, we also must not fall into the same sin over and over but try to discipline your self always live in the light , if you are young you must keep your first kiss only to your husband or wife do not give away to any one who will not be your wife or your husband the first kiss, It really encouraging because at this time lots of  people are not trust worthy many man and women are living double standard compromising Live but we as Christian must faithful with God and living a lives in the light.

Family information 

 By the grace of God we are doing well with our family lives, our two children  Christy is just turn three years old and her younger sister Sonia Marshia is just turn five months old my wife and I we are doing great for the last six month we have been safe and sound in the Lord, none of us encounter accident or sick by the grace of God all things go well. DCIM100MEDIA we encourage those of you who used to monitoring all our ministry activities here in  West-Timor Indonesia we would to inquire your support in terms of pray or visit and financial support to help sustain us to continue the mission ministry here in West-Timor Indonesia. We have been serving this mission field for the  last six years with wife and children without proper financial support to keep us moving in the ministry and extended the vision and mission here in this part of the nation of Indonesia, we find difficulties to survive without proper financial support. again if we complement together we will achieve  the vision and dreams. our Address is bellow if any information or comment please leave your message before with you contact Number so that we could able to keep in touch  other wish our ministry contact is bellow please feel free to contact us.




Adonai Worship Center JL Hans Kapitan RT / 05/ RW 17

Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang NTT Indonesia.

Mobile: + 62-81331643595


FB, Julius walengi



Indonesia Bank Details

Name     : Julius Walengi

Bank       : BCA       Bank-Central -Asia

A/C         : 3140717788

Swift Code: CENAIDJA

Papua New Guinea Bank details.

Name       : Julius Walengi

Bank  :Bank -South – Pacific ( BSP)

A/C   : 1002196630 SwiftCode: BOSPPGPM

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