Category Archives: Church Life
November-December 2013 and January 2014.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My apology to all of our friends who are always monitoring our ministry development in this mission field of West-Timor Indonesia, in the last couple of months I was not able to provided all the ministry report and the progress in this mission work due to spend much time on other things as well as traveling out for my visa therefore I was unable to provide the latest ministry development in our local Church and other ministries.
Thank God for those of you who have been standing with us especially in prayer since the year 2013 we have seen Gods hand in our lives as well as our Ministry progress for sure we understand that with out you we will have not come this fare it was your prayer that make change in our lives and ministry, some of you have support us financially and some have visited us here in the mission field that’s are part and passel of the contribution to this mission field, It is our pray that God will enlarge you territory in terms of Business, Study, good health, long lives, healthy family lives and success in all the dreams and vision in this fresh new year 2014, Gods vision and mission will be accomplished as we united in Christ Jesus hand to hands and shoulder to shoulder we can build his kingdom on earth. particularly Indonesia.
Month of November
We thank God for small development that are happening in our Local Church Adonai Worship Center, this time in November we put the buffing block at the side and the front of the Church, praise God we don’t have the money but God open the doors and through many friends which they are not our church member but they are very much willing to help donating funds to make our small local church look nice, for couple of year we have mad problems, when the rainy season many church meeting outside was full of mad but praise God now our front part of the church is better than before. About four thousand piece of buffing block we buy and lay them, We also thank God for our Islamic friends from Jawa they help us to lay all the buffing block at the church, I also share with them at the church, when we had our Christmas meeting on December we don’t invited them because of certain reasons but they came them self and watch all our church activities that night I call them and gave them food they are very happy and told me that the lives of Christians is very peaceful and enjoyable, In Jawa Muslim never build Christian Churches none they used to say its forbidden praise God in west-Timor there are still changes to have our brothers and sisters from Muslim can able to share things together with Christian even walk in and out at the Church that’s amazing. from the entrance looking towards the front of the Church, we are excited about the new development in our local church we also set the Christmas light at the front of the church also inside the church as well.
on the right side the youths are painting the front part of the fence thank God you are powerful you answer the prayers of your people and provided the resources to make our small church look better.
On the second of November due to my passport pages full, I left my family and when to PNG and stay for three weeks while processing my new passport in Port Moresby praise God it was absolutely great moment for me to be there to connected and meet up with many friends in the capital city of PNG, I shared with many of them about the need of this mission field, we are very much progress in our daily ministry but we need financial support to enhance the work therefore I do what I can to share by raising friends and the rest God will make it possible. the picture you see on the left is one of the main shopping center call vision city Waigani I have meet many people in this mall.
December 2013
The Christmas celebration in our local Church Adonai Worship Center during the Christmas period was awesome we have about 250 people attended the church service 5 pm until 8 pm night,this time we done invited people because of we have lots of commitment especially on local mission also we have just completed our church renovation and put the buffing block and paint the church inside and outside change the lights with all the cables therefore we don’t have the enough money to host the big one but for the church congregation alone we were surprise to meet new people attended the event, our district leader Pastor Benny Mundung is guest speaker.
We pray for weather because here is raining almost every day praise God our prayers is answered on the 19th it was on Thursday that day was perfect no rain but the weather was very much cool.even the food that we prepare is just more then enough for every one , praise God after the meeting those are the once who have the motorbike and a car they are able to leave and the rest of the people who those not have the transport I have to drive them home I wish I have are bus to load all of them once and dropped them off. anywhere I us my old fan to drive them home couple of times back and forth at the end of the meeting I was really tired by 1.30 morning I when to my house and take the nape I feel enjoy because it its the part of ministry.
January 2014
God has answer our prayers in this early year of 2014 He brought us one family Bobby Damanik and his wife Vina Artantrie Damanik to us they give their lives to God and had their water Baptism on 5th of January 2014 they already have one child but they hasn’t marriage in the church so they want their marriage must be blessed by God when I share and pray with them they decided to give their lives to Jesus and willing to Baptized, after that Booby’s family agree with Bobby and his wife Vina and allowed then to have a wedding in Adonai Worship Center and they came to me and my wife and tell us about what the family had said so we agree with them and we both Bobby and his wife and us agree to conducting their wedding on the 8th of January 2014, Praise God pastor Monilisca Apriyani Hekboy Walengi blessed their marriage at 10 Am the whole family came to our church as we finish from the church we when to there house for refreshment and also to pray for their house and business. after they we blessed their marriage in our church on the 8th of January 2014 , it was really wonderful to see some one comes to Christ Jesus, Bobby Damanik his parents owns the private Hospital here in the City, three and half years ago my wife give birth to our first daughter Christy Esther Walengi in this private Hospital call MAMA-MI praise God I and my wife have been building up closer relationship with them and the result now Bobby is with us and come to our Church meeting on Every Sunday with his wife and his Son.
This picture from left to right is the preparation for the wedding of Bobby and his wife Vina, I was not able to took some short of the their wedding because of I was sitting with the bride and unable to take take the short, anywhere this was the first ever since we start leading this congregation we haven’t conducted any wedding ceremony but this was the first wedding we held at the Church Adonai Worship Center.
brother Bobby Damanik and his young family now they are attending our church service on Sunday morning , he and his wife Vina they are blessed evreytime they come to our church service , for us we are thanking God for new souls in our church for his glory, to see some one to make such a commitment to follow Christ and leave all the worldly behavior and desire behind and come forward to received Christ and be Baptize this is amazing but Gods glory.
Local Mission
We have come closer to completed the Pastor house in Kuanheum, there are one family brother Rudy Nale and his wife gave us Rp 2.500,000 that money I when and engage the Carpenter and now his is working on all the main doors and 12 windows, probably the end of this month he will complete and hang all the doors and windows, we need Rp 2.500,000 more to completed the payment total of Rp 5.000,000.
on the left is the front part of the pastor house in Kuaheum and on the right side is the inside part of the house dinning room and the visitors rooms while the carpenter is fixing the shape of the looking inside .
Last Sunday we have provide all the financial report and church growth report praise God, this Sunday after the Church service we will have one more meeting setting up all the ministerial leaders to start ministry next month so we are praying for those people who have the calling in their heart and as they received the letter of inquiring for ministry this year God will cost them to willingly prepare in advance and then we will pray for those people who are appointed for ministry this new and fresh year 2014 the last Sunday of this month and will dedicated them in the lord for the great task ahead for Soul winning.
Our church growth for last year was average 45% new people are making commitment to attend our church service every Sunday, our ministry tactic for last year was past on visitation through our congregation or if any body inviting us to visit them and prayer for them on every Monday and Thursday visitation, but we also invited those family and friends that I visit and pray for them to come to our Wednesday midweek church service that is where we will more closer and God will open the new doors
Our urgent need .
friends we are praying for several things that we really need right now to have our ministry to be more effecting and enhance
1: We need the Toyota Hiace Mini Bus fifteen Sitter Bus for transporting congregation and ministry.
2: We need one Generator we have problem with the power station here almost every day and night the power just when off for three up to four hours to wait therefore we need the generator for church and personal if we encounter power black out will be easier for us.
3: We need the small motorbike for used in the city for quick move Shop , Market, and visitation in the narrow roads
4: Pray for me I am preparing to do fund raising in PNG start February to May.
Our contact point is bellow also the bank details if you had the conviction to contact us and wanted to visit us or collected information for prayers purpose, or wanted to donate some donation for this work in Advance we acknowledge your effort for making this work very effective by winning many Souls for his Kingdom sack. other wise leave the note bellow, blessing.
Adonai Worship Center P O Box 1143
Kupang NTT 85000 Indonesia
Mobile: + 62-81331643595
FB, Julius walengi
Indonesia Bank Details
Name : Julius Walengi
Bank : BCA Bank-Central -Asia
A/C : 3140788260
Swift Code: CENAIDJA
Papua New Guinea Bank details.
Name : Julius Walengi
Bank :Bank -South – Pacific ( BSP)
A/C : 1002196630