Category Archives: Church Life
Rev Joe Pandu and Noel Norikgu visit West-Timor mission Indonesia.
Joe and Noel Arrival
We setup two nights ministry at the church for them to share the word and blessed the local church mainly to see the growth of our local church Adonai Worship Center, it will be on Wednesday night and Thursday night, other days I will drive them around to show them some of the development that has done during my mission ministry in this part of the nation of Indonesia.
Also we will have time to sit down and discus about the future vision and mission of this mission field, we have seen miracles and signs in our ministry as well as many souls are coming to our church service every time we need the better place to conducted our church service therefore I pray that this leadership team could able to see and had the conviction by responding to our immediate needs that are arising in this fields either ministry also personal . Right now we are desperately needing the Church building from the church building we could able to do many other things as well like bible school , kinder garden school, and the leadership training school.
First night revival meeting
This is our first night meeting at Adonai Worship Center pastor Joe Pandu share the word about the women who had the flowing of blood for twelve years but when she heard that Jesus is about to passing bye she had the faith and said, so long as I touch him I will be healed eventually she did it immediately she was cute from the flowing of blood. situation and circumstance you have in your lives simple is that, act by faith to touch him the healing power will flow into your lives and you might experience new things in your situation and lives.
Infect this meeting is a small meeting only for the local Church members because I wanted to have our leaders to see the progress of the work here its important for them to take the report back to Papua New Guinea so that many of our brothers and sisters there to see and responded to pray or support financial for the work here.
Second Revival Meeting
Praise God this is our second night revival meeting at the church Adonai Worship Center Noel Norikgu share the word of God with us seems many people came the small church was so full about ninety to hundred people attend the church service that night it was blessing some new people got repented for the first time it was amazing for Gods glory. after the meeting people feel wanted to have one more night but impossible because of time limitation, after this visitation and ministry the word of God really motivated the church congregation to go more and bear fruit in their personal lives and spiritual lives particularly ministry and Business .
after the church service congregation wanted to shook hands with each others also with the guest. Praise God after long time we have expecting the leaders to visit us by the grace of God we have the PNG AOG leadership with us now that encourage the congregation and this time God has answer our prayers it was very power all thought its small but church and meeting but powerful in sensing the presence of God in this small church. Thank God we are bless to have two of your servant that are visiting us here in west-Timor Indonesia.
Two of AOG pastor I invited them to meet up with Pastor Joe and Noel so they came and we had the time share and introduce each other and had some pray in the hotel because this are the pastors who I used to help them and work close with, Pastor Jerry Adoe is the senior pastor of Assemblies Of God Nazareth local Church in Dofa and Pastor Benny Mundung is a district leader and a Syloam Assemblies Of God local church Kayu Putih both pastors are in the city and we had the very close relationship with one and other.
See the picture from the left to right , Noel Norikgu left , Pastor Benny Mundung center left, pastor Joe Pandu center and Pastor Jerry Adoe fare right we had the time sharing and praying for the work of God here in West-Timor Indonesia.I pray and believed that our good lord will make the way for the work here in this part of the nation of Indonesia, we need lots of prayers and friends who can stand with us for the work here, remote villages need many local churches to build and save many people in and around the province of Timor.
Visiting Kuanheume
After we had the lunch five of us travel to several place where my local Church Adonai Worship Center had some project like Building a Pastors house at the Kuanheum Assemblies Of God local Church I drive Joe and Noel to see the work there, praise God when we arrive the pastor is there he is from Wamena West-Papua, he greet us.
This pastors house I and the church congregation have work since the beginning of the year. we just wait for the timber and we have the timber already I have given some money already to the local carpenter he will start work anytime from now so longs all things are ready we have faith to completed this pastor house at thee end of this year because next year we have other vision and plans to build a church. pray for all the resources especially financial release to complete the building.
Preparing to plan new church next year.
Next year we are preparing to plan a new local church in NECON this is where many refugees from East-Timor residing, they are our congregation residing there also they are reaching out to others for Christ Jesus also they are passionate for the work of God there, every Sunday morning they conducted the church service in there house therefore we as a Church Adonai Worship Center and congregation feel more obligate to help and plan this local church for the glory of God and his kingdom extension.
Also behind the Church grown there is a small mountain in that mountain we are going to build a prayer tower for the churches, that mountain has the good looking view especially when you look down to the valley, is so beautiful, Pray is the key when we pray we could see miracles signs and wonders in our ministry work and family transparency therefore we will pray to raise funds to build this prayer tower to empowered the local churches in pray and God will extended his kingdom on earth.
from the back of the picture you could see the small house that is where our congregation are conducting Sunday church service, behind that where you see the tress that is where the small mountain which we are planning to put up the pray tower for the churches and individuals to spend time with God.
In this work we need your pray support as well as financial support as you go through the report feeling that you are at the crucial possession to support the mission work I would like to encourage you to stand with us to build his kingdom on earth especially here in this nation of Indonesia, we can’t do many with out you as we complemented then the lord will used you and I to established his vision and mission in this world.’
Sunday Morning Church Service
We had the great Sunday morning Church service at Adonai Worship Center with Pastor Joe Pandu and Noel Norikgu, the Church felt the power of the Holy Spirit come upon the local Church, even the praise and worship was incredible and powerful the expression of worship was high congregation feel the presence of God there every one worship God with tears on their checks, even we have some new people attending the church service literally God change them when they go home they decided to changes and follow Jesus Christ it was good news to us, one person got safe Heaven rejoices. pray for Church growth here in Adonai Worship Center.
As you see the picture above, the church is experiencing the move of the Holy Spirit, praise God end times God is visiting his Church, in this last hour the pouring of the Holy Spirit will be manifested in the Church in order to revive and to restored his people this is what the church is needing and we experiencing that in our small local church, praise God in our local church we have encounter miracles signs and wonders healing taking place every time, this morning when pastor Joe pray for several people and they felt onto the crown it was amazing that never happen in here but this is a new experience for the christian here YOU KNOW WHAT? people are hungry and thirsty for God. pray for more spiritual revival in this nation of Indonesia. your prayer will not be loose but reward.
After everything the Church gave Pastor Joe and Noel a small gift and we pray for them before they left to Bali anddata:text/mce-internal,board their flight to Port Moresby on Monday, we gave them traditional batik simply its a sign of appreciation and agreement we made with them as I pray for the blessing of God upon their lives family and ministry, after the church service we had the Lunch together and then drive them to Airport see pictures bellow.
This is the end of the ministry for this week,thanks Pastor Joe Pandu as acting National Superintendent Assemblies Of God Papua New Guinea, Also to Noel Norikgu National Treasurer of thee Assemblies Of God Papua New Guinea we really appreciated your time visiting us here in West-Timor it is meaningful and also given us more courage on the work of God here, your coming is not mistake but timely as you have seen all the work that has done also you have heard the future plan of this work we need your prayers and visitation and support so that we can be part and Passel on this great work of God here in West-Timor Indonesia.
I take this time to appreciated those of you who are very often updated on the work here in West-Timor Indonesia, please I would like to inquire if you have any idea to share with us or any comment you’ll like to leave please the space bellow is where you may leave your address for communication purpose as well as leave you comment.
Hereby would like to acknowledge your time and effort in advance to be with us in one way or thee other your contribution is appreciated May God bless you and all your activities at this time and future.
Your Sincerely
Pastor Julius Walengi
Adonai Worship Center.
Kupang NTT Indonesia.
Account Details Bellow.
Indonesia Bank Details
Name : Julius Walengi
Bank : BCA Bank-Central -Asia
A/C : 3140717788
Swift Code: CENAIDJA
Papua New Guinea Bank details.
Name : Julius Walengi
Bank :Bank -South – Pacific ( BSP)
A/C : 1002196630