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March 2024 News Update.


GREETINGS to you all our valuable Friends, Families and Partners for your genericity to embracing the evangelism and church planting mission work here in Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia. “We acknowledge your prayers and the resources that contributed towards this missions exposure, our ministry motto NEVER LEAVE ONE BEHIND, it is paramount to reach out to every single person next to us as well as villages and urban centers around where we focus. “God gave us the spiritual mandate to go and preach the gospel, whoever believe and is baptize will be save Mathew 28.18-20 therefore Adonai Worship Center Local church this year 2024 aside of our local church ministry priorities we also value missions as important part of the local church vision. Our desire is to reach many souls and build Gods kingdom in this planet earth  especially in this part of Indonesia.

Since we where building Adonai worship Center local church in the year 2016 we try to utilize the little financial resources  we have to build this local church building. it take’s approximately eight years until 2023. Those years we hasn’t able to visit urban centers and villages, however we are fully engage to complete the main church as are bases for future effective church planting missions. “Praise God, all though Adonai Worship Center local church is not fully completed at this states, but we felt in our spirit  to  expend the gospel to the remote frontier missions beginning this year 2024 andPhoto_1713341236899[1] beyond. “This year our local church have prayerfully decided to adopted district 8 and district 15 from our region, this two district will be under our local church overseer, more precisely we discovered our frontier pastors and church planters facing dificulties in the field, financially, health, family issue that affected their spiritual energy to effectively explore the gospel to where their suppose to reach out. Therefore we decided to provide coaching and mentorship to the frontier pastor’s from this two district first, our main focus is to planting more local churches in this two district in the future.

How to we do?  1) Our Main goals is to visit this two district every quarterly and to provide counsel as well as productive tips to help pastor’s focus on the evangelism and church planting work. 2) We provide frontier church planters pastors with some small financial aid on the monthly bases length of two to three years period, so far  we have started some financial aid to this three pastors already, Pastor Yohana she is a young female Pastor from  Malaka district (15) and Pastor Yakob Sobapa and wife, Pastor Arkilaus Talan and wife from Kolbano district (8) this three Pastors we will overseer their development on the church planting strategies, as soon as they have minimum 15 individuals or maximum 20 members we will considering church building. We like to support ten frontier pastor from each district totaling of  twenty Pastors in both district.

Within this two to three years period, we will monitors the development of the pastors at the frontline through the sub-district counsel , If the fellowship have minimum of 15 or maximum of 20 members that  fellowship require church building, every church building must legally establish upon the organization asset, we have classic example, many church building has taken away by those individual pastor who build1000074633[1] church upon personal asset, therefore as we focusing on the church planting missions, either  we purchase the land or free donation from individuals or organization, that particular property  legality must under the church organization asset. After building the local church, our church will not provide financial aid anymore to the Pastors. Hence, will provide  spiritual aspect through visitation, coaching and mentorship, For their economy aspects we should have other alternatives means for their             sustainability in the field, normally this will come when we discover what ways they could able to generate income for their endeavor while serving in the local church ministry. As to how the pastor should reach as many souls to congregate in his or her church to look after the pastor while serving in that church. “For instance! before we start building Adonai church building we did support few Pastor, Pastor Merinus Kapak and family we build their Pastors house and for their church we only completed windows and doors, for Pastor Yayub Kosat and family they where are working on new church planting work our local church provide financial aid for them on the  monthly basis for three years, I have told them we will not continue support for more then three years. Alone the way I discovered, the villages where they are  now service has lots of coconut trees, I had the idea that after three years we will give this family are machine for them to do a small business to sustain their live in the field, after three years of our commitment I ask one family if they can buy a coconut scrapping machine and that family bought that machine, I call husband and wife came to the town and we gave their last support plus machine for them to do small business, I totd the husband and wife we gave you this machine to generate income to sustain the childrens school fees and the family endeavor in the field, praise God now they make some good money to look after children for their school fees and food on the table for family. God will open the flood gate of God heaven to provide provision to us to stand beside this great man and women of God in the field to reach out to many souls for Gods glory Amen.

                       MISSIONS  TRIP TO AOG DISTRICT 15 MALAKA.

Beginning of this year 2024, God put in my heart to start organizing church planting missions. We have spend much of our time  for the last eight years on Adonai Worship Center church building in the town of Kupang ntt. “I had many ministry invitations from the urban district centers to visit as well as participated in the ministry there, I wasn’t dare to visit unfortunately due to encounter financial disabilities therefore unable to complete Adonai Worship Center church building that was the reason why I decline those invitations. Those eights year I felt they are limitation in our capacities to embrace local missions, therefore I Was not focusing the local missions in terms of visitation and participation in the ministry development aspects in the field. “Praise God this year  2024 GodPhoto_1713436928291[1] give me peace to move in to church planting mission. ” Our first ever mission trip was  8th and 9th March last month,  I lead the small team and we travel to AOG Malaka district 15, boarder of Indonesia and Dili-Timor-Leste, we drive for six hours and arrived safely and held night revival meeting and morning we travel up to an incomplete AOG local church up at the Alihowan village. “Picture on the right, as soon as we arrived at the church location the lord put in my heart to help completed that incomplete church building, we discovered they are few uncomplete work need to be done in order to completed the church building. 1. (12) set of glass windows, (2). floor titles and 3 roofing ceiling. I and my wife we felt compassionated for this pastor and his church we express our interest to stand with this humble pastor Marten Mellu to complete his local church, after we return the church made the down payment of Rp 1,800.00 for (12) glass windows, currently carpenter is working on the frames now, as soon as they completed all the frames and install all the windows we will paid off the remaining payment of Rp 1.800 as  total of Rp 3,600.00 the money for windows is ready. “Pray with us to raise more money to work on the floor tiles and roof ceiling, we trusting God for provisions to completed this remaining uncompleted  church building in the middle of this year 2024 and official opening for church business. We do what we can do! the rest, we trust God to provide provision to completed the building. Amen. Beside working on this uncomplete church building and other church building as well amen.

Missions Trip to Kolbano District (8)

After our missions trip to Malaka, we held evaluations with the team, paise God, all our  team members as well as church members are excited to going missions, the church congregation aware of our decision to adapted two districts in the region to overseer their ministry affairs. Our next missions was planning on the 9th to the 10th April this month to Bena and Kolbano district (8) we had one day fasting and praying for the travel including financial open doors for the trip. Praise God to be frank I and my family don’t have the personal and ministry vehicle for mission exploring in and around the region. “Normally I hire the care to travel, very expensive exercise but I am happy for the work of God never give reason, give the best when we don’t have enough, while we are praying one family they give their Mitsubishi Pajero Sport to me and said Pastor we are happy of what you are doing use our vehicle for this missions trip, wow it was a miracle for me and the team, one other family they provide musical instruments plus they pickup truck with sound engineers, other family again they hire one small vehicle, our church member plus neighbors and the friends who are not our congregation brought 5kg rice bags, cooking oil, bathing soap, we raise about Rp 1,450.000 this money it was perfect timing we when and arrived in the evening we held revival ministry we sleep in the morning we had mentoring tips to encourage the leaders and pastor in that district had the alter call and pray for all of them unti l12pm we had the lunch with them and we left to the town gain.