Tag Archives: Treasurer give financial report


Generally, our local church ministry focus for this year 2024 will coincide with our  three year plan in 2023 last year to focusing on youth and children ministry, primarily  this two ministry department will prayerfully follow the earlier ministry  structure or restructure as to how they both department should reaching out to children, teenagers and youth in our neighboring communities and the city that we are residing, through the way of setting up creative events or by reaching out by visiting families to counter children and youth to share the love of God to them. We realize the churches could lost more young people if we are not addressing their need in this 21st century, the world is sourcing much exciting things that affecting this generation. “We as are church should realized that many of our youth and teenagers in this generation are attracted by the worldly views and desire. Pray for this vison to take back this generation for Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit in this communities amen.


This year 2024 Pastor Ika and I felt in our spirit to visit urban missions, by March we will start travel to couple of district under thee Assemblies of God church overseer. We will try adopt few pastor in the remote centers as are church planters to support them with little bit of funds where they can be able to20220415_112236 survive while service in the remote villages and towns. We value missions as our priority, evangelism and church planting is our heart, why church planting is so important at this time? soul with out shepherd wont be last that long in the lord, many preacher excited to see 1000 of souls repent to follow Jesus on that night, then leaving those thousand with out the shepherd after are while your return, looking for those Souls, many would not hold fast their commitment be survive, few may be, being a missionary for 24 years in this part of Indonesia, about three year  I was working with are ministry and we spend tangible nights and days in the field moving in and out from one village to another, every night we have revival meeting, I witness many people come forward to receive Jesus as lord and savior. “When we left back to our base, after two months I used to follow up to check on the people who repent two months ago, and I discovered that many of those soul repent during our revival meeting two months ago in that village, none remain strong in the lord, they all return to their old lifestyle. Many time I was disappoint because we spend lots of time and resources to reach this district and centers to preach the gospel for their salvation. This experience give me energy to focus on evangelism and Church planting work is paramount, all though it will take some times but at thee end we achieve every resources that we put down for evangelism and church planting will worth value. Therefore we encourage you our valuable partner to stand together with us and to focus on evangelizing people and planting more churches starting this year and on wards amen.


Adonai church normally conducting AGBM meeting every first or second week of February. This year 2024, we held church Annual General Business Meeting on the 18th February this year right after

Pastor Ika and church Treasurer

Pastor Ika and church Treasurer.

church service on Sunday. “Praise God, every ministry departmental heads presented the 2023 ministry status report, first quarter, second and third quarter of the year 2023 our church ministries was in are positive direction, the forth quarter of the year 2023 the church encounter critical moment when we try to raise funds to purchase the musical instruments and chairs for Adonai Worship Center church. The new convert church members have left the church for couple of months  until this date. In our church statistic report we knew our local church in this first and second quarter of the year 2024 will be less then what we used to have in our past church service. We understand and have confidence that God  is the sources of this church. “He will restore what have lost in the months to come this years. “We have confidence for quick recovering from the damage within two to three quarter of this year 2024 amen. The church treasurer also provide the church last year  financial report was satisfactory. We  have done this every year to keep accountable for what we are doing in the ministry where God has entrusted us to lead. “Activities formally resume after the AGBM meeting. Praise God the  children ministry department and the youth ministry department had  presented ministry  schedule for this year, the church Pastor and the church board have approved  to stand with them to raise funds for the couple of events where they prayerfully arranges for this year, man’s and women’s ministry will definitely support this two ministries for the coming month ahead and we looking forward for great things to happen as we prepare for many people to come to Jesus amen.


We have completed the physical church building inside  and out side part of the church, including front landscaping preparing for the church official opening three years ago, about three times we deferred our official church opening schedule hence unable to raise enough funds to assemble the event. Our only challenge was to raise two hundred million Rubia in USD$ 12,790 dollars to purchase speakers, sound systems plus Musical Instruments  including three monitor TV screen as well as audio cables plus the 200 pieces of chairs. We have already purchase 30 boxes of floor carpet prepare to seal the church floor, in the mean time we are praying and believing God for financial resources t0 obtain above items in order to setup the church interior at once. 20231029_194817[1]With out hesitating I am seeking financial add for the church interior completion, to all our Friends, Partners, family in the kingdom of God, as well as our fellow Assemblies of God churches in and around the world or individual who like to be part of this mission work here in the province of  Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia, we need your prayers and financial support to complete the uncomplete church interior work here in this missions field in Indonesia. While having reading this articles and intended to find out more about the work here, please drop us a note through the comment below or send email through my email address walengijulius32@gmail.com otherwise if you have known us through other sources check the status of this missions work through them. Your donation for this mater will not be in vain God will bless you more at the right time amen. In advance our apologies to those of you whom we engage to attend church commissioning service  month of April 2024 will not be commence until after needed component installation is done. We will  reschedule church inauguration date this year and will advice to all our guest to come for event 2024, thanks for standing with us.


Before concluding our news update for this month of February 2024, on behalf  of my family, the Local Missions to Abrein Amarasichurch leadership and congregation, I would like toacknowledge your unwavering support, I knew   you follow us  through our website page, the real achievement of our vision and dreams on church planting missions it required partners to get involved hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder, definitely we can be advance in the evangelism and Church planting aspect here in Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur  Indonesia. we  invite you to visit us, we can provide your accommodations for tree nights and dinner  you can provide ticket for too and from, if any of you interest to visit us we will arrange ministry for you while be with us, if you are a Assemblies of God Pastor from US, Australia or New Zealand or Pacific Ireland countries  or any country around the world, lets us know for your visit it will be great to serve together to build His kingdom through our partnership ministry aspects. our contact details will be below.

Pray Points.

1: Pray for open doors for financial resources to enhance our Vision on Evangelism and Church planting work here.

2: Pray for financial open to purchase all the church interior component.

3: Pray for God to provide 4×4 drive vehicle for muddy road to reach remote centers.

4: Pray for us family, we need constant financial support on monthly basis to suit our  monthly expenses including children school fees.



Jl. Hands Kapitan RT. 17 /RW 6 / Kel: Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang NTT Indonesia.          Email.walengijulius23@gmail.com/phone + 62 0380 8441902 /Mobile +62 81331643595 .www.kupangchurch.com / You tube AOG ADONAI WORSHIP CENTER.
